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Aron Süveg 1978 yılında Budapeşte’de doğdu ve fotoğraf çekmeye 1997 yılında ekstrem sporlar topluluğu ile başladı. Uzun yıllar zamanını grafik ve fotoğrafa ayırdı ve 2009 yılında Amerika’ya taşınıp tamamen fotoğrafa, öğrenme ve seyahate adamaya karar verdi. New York’a aşık oldu ve orada altı ay kaldı. Topladığı deneyim ve motivasyonla birlikte Macaristan’a dönerek Red Bull Office ile bağlantıya geçti. 2011’de 2 ay Fuschl am See, Avusturya’da bulunan Red Bull Photography HQ’da 2 ay geçirdi. Son 10 yılda Red Bull için uluslararası düzeyde 100’den fazla projede Avrupa ve Orta Doğu’da 8 ülkede çalıştı.

2013’te ilk defa baba oldu ve bununla birlikte herşey tekrar değişti. Uzun seyahatler ve hız yerini statiklere bıraktı. Bugünlerde giderek daha çok çocukluk hevesi olan ve projelerinde  yer alan mimari/şehircilik üzerine odaklanıyor. Çevrenin zaman ve insan ile olan denge ve ilişkilerini , ışık ve formlarla hikayeler şeklinde fotoğraflıyor.

2016’da Aron ailesiyle birlikte Hollanda’ya taşındı ve uluslararası ve lokal ortakları, acentalar ve freelance olarak çeşitli firmalar ve organizasyonlarla çalışıyor.

İşlerinin yer aldığı yayınlar:

Forbes, Wall Street Journal, Hays Journal, GEO Koncept, GEO France, Chili, Prestige, Snowboarder, Wakeboarder, Offline, Boarder, Whiteline, GQ, Fontos!, Know, Playboy, Urbansnob, 4Fathers, Hashtag Photography Magazine, CKM, Liget, SHOT Photography Magazine, 5500k

Áron Süveg was born in Budapest, Hungary in 1978 and started to take photos about his extreme sports community and culture in 1997. After long years dividing his time between graphic design and photography, he finally put the pencil down and took off for the U.S in 2009. The goal was to focus only on photography, evolving, learning and traveling as much as he could, but he immediately fell in love with New York City and got stuck there for six months.

Having gathered the most experience and motivation he could, Áron came home to link up and work with the Hungarian Red Bull Office. In 2011 he spent two month at Fuschl am See in Austria at the Red Bull Photography HQ. In the last 10 years he was working internationally for Red Bull on more than 100 projects in 8 countries in Europe and the Middle-East.

When he became a father for the first time in 2013, everything was changed again. The long trips and the fast moving objects slowly transform more to static ones. These days he focuses more and more on his other childhood enthusiasm architect/urbanism, which was always a deep mind guide during his urban and landscape photo projects. Capturing the relationships and the balance of the built environment with the time and human beings, telling stories with lights and forms.

In 2016 Aron moved to The Hague, The Netherlands with his family and still working for his international and local partner brands, agencies and freelancing for various companies and organisations.


Forbes, Wall Street Journal, Hays Journal, GEO Koncept, GEO France, Chili, Prestige, Snowboarder, Wakeboarder, Offline, Boarder, Whiteline, GQ, Fontos!, Know, Playboy, Urbansnob, 4Fathers, Hashtag Photography Magazine, CKM, Liget, SHOT Photography Magazine, 5500k